Welcome to Lemon Kraken Games! We're a Canadian video game software company that specializes in the nostalgic old school genre. Our first game, Chimera Core, is currently in development.


Lemon Kraken is a video game software company based out of Ontario, Canada, established in 2019. We grew up with RPG gems such as Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, along with imaginative point-and-click adventure games like Spaceship Warlock and King's Quest. They have always had a place in our heart - and it's no surprise those are also the types of games we love to make!Get to know our staff and their own favourites!

Stephan Krawec

Lead Programmer & Game Designer

A lover of RPGs and simulation games, Stephan has been building armies in games to crush the opposition for decades. His logical outlook makes him a natural programmer.

Melissa Yank

Game designer, writer & artist

Melissa has been writing stories since she was a little girl. Her settings of choice tend to be sci-fi and fantasy - or a bit of both. Some of her favourite games include Final Fantasy VI, Dragon Age, Persona, and visual novels like Zero Escape and Danganronpa.


We currently have one game on the go. Chimera Core is actively in development. Keep an eye out for updates on our page or sign up for our newsletter to get updates right away!

Era from Chimera Core

Chimera Core

Post-Apocalyptic Turn-based RPG

A discarded first-gen android wakes up to an empty city, unsure of their purpose in life. Where did everyone go? In fact, who turned Era on in the first place? With their curiosity programming still in tact, the android goes on a journey to discover what happened and how they came to be.


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